
本講座では、フルスタック技術を駆使して、Next.js 13、Firebase、TypeScript、Tailwind CSSを利用し、ChatGPTを組み込んだAIチャットアプリケーションの開発を通じて、現代のWebアプリケーション開発の技術を総合的に学びます。

■ 本コースの対象者




・Tailwind CSSでレスポンシブかつ美しいUIをデザインしたい方



■ 本コースを受講する際の注意点






本講座では、フルスタック技術を駆使して、Next.js 13、Firebase、TypeScript、Tailwind CSSを利用し、ChatGPTを組み込んだAIチャットアプリケーションの開発を通じて、現代のWebアプリケーション開発の技術を総合的に学びます。

■ 本コースの対象者




・Tailwind CSSでレスポンシブかつ美しいUIをデザインしたい方



■ 本コースを受講する際の注意点






[LangChain으로 LLM(ChatGPT, LLaMA2) 및 VectorDB(ChromaDB) 활용하여 Streamlit으로 웹 서비스 만들기]

최근 ChatGPT, LLAMA(라마)2 등 최신 초거대 AI 모델들이 쏟아지고 있습니다.

이런 인공지능의 발전을 그냥 지켜만 보고 계실건가요? 직접 “LangChain(랭체인)”으로 나만의 AI 웹서비스를 만들어보세요!

  • LangChain(랭체인)을 왜 배워야 할까요?

랭체인은 초거대 언어 모델(LLM, Large Language Model)기반의 어플리케이션을 쉽게 만들 수 있게 해주는 프레임워크인데요.

LLM 어플리케이션 개발에 필요한 대부분의 기능들을 포함하고 있어 직접 하나씩 구현하는 것 보다 훨씬 빠른 속도로 간단하게 구현할 수 있습니다.

Github Star 62K+ 이상으로 현재 LLM기반 어플리케이션 제작 프레임워크 중 가장 대표적으로 많이 사용되며, LangChain을 제작한 팀은 올해 4월 1000만 달러 규모의 투자를 받아서 더욱 빠르게 LangChain 생태계를 발전시키고 있는 중이라 앞으로도 유망할 것으로 전망됩니다.

  • 이번 강의에서 주로 배우는 내용은

랭체인 기초 사용법부터 인공지능 시인, PDF와 대화하는 챗봇 등 실제 배포하여 운영할 수 있는 수익형 AI 웹 서비스를 직접 만들어보며 랭체인의 사용 방법을 쉽게 배웁니다.

게다가 데이터 유출 걱정 없이 오프라인으로 내 컴퓨터에서 AI 모델과 랭체인을 활용하는 방법, 또 AI 웹서비스를 운영 비용 0원으로 수익을 얻으며 서비스하는 방법까지 알려 드리겠습니다!

  • 정말 쉽게 배울 수 있습니다!

파이썬(Python)의 정말 기초 지식만 알고 계셔도 쉽게 따라올 수 있도록 차근차근 설명해드립니다.

또한 Streamlit을 사용하기 때문에 프론트엔드 개발 경험이 없어도 쉽게 서비스를 구축하고 실전 배포까지 가능합니다!

AI 시대에 필수 지식이 되어가는 LangChain(랭체인), 저와 함께 배워보시죠!


[LangChain으로 LLM(ChatGPT, LLaMA2) 및 VectorDB(ChromaDB) 활용하여 Streamlit으로 웹 서비스 만들기]

최근 ChatGPT, LLAMA(라마)2 등 최신 초거대 AI 모델들이 쏟아지고 있습니다.

이런 인공지능의 발전을 그냥 지켜만 보고 계실건가요? 직접 “LangChain(랭체인)”으로 나만의 AI 웹서비스를 만들어보세요!

  • LangChain(랭체인)을 왜 배워야 할까요?

랭체인은 초거대 언어 모델(LLM, Large Language Model)기반의 어플리케이션을 쉽게 만들 수 있게 해주는 프레임워크인데요.

LLM 어플리케이션 개발에 필요한 대부분의 기능들을 포함하고 있어 직접 하나씩 구현하는 것 보다 훨씬 빠른 속도로 간단하게 구현할 수 있습니다.

Github Star 62K+ 이상으로 현재 LLM기반 어플리케이션 제작 프레임워크 중 가장 대표적으로 많이 사용되며, LangChain을 제작한 팀은 올해 4월 1000만 달러 규모의 투자를 받아서 더욱 빠르게 LangChain 생태계를 발전시키고 있는 중이라 앞으로도 유망할 것으로 전망됩니다.

  • 이번 강의에서 주로 배우는 내용은

랭체인 기초 사용법부터 인공지능 시인, PDF와 대화하는 챗봇 등 실제 배포하여 운영할 수 있는 수익형 AI 웹 서비스를 직접 만들어보며 랭체인의 사용 방법을 쉽게 배웁니다.

게다가 데이터 유출 걱정 없이 오프라인으로 내 컴퓨터에서 AI 모델과 랭체인을 활용하는 방법, 또 AI 웹서비스를 운영 비용 0원으로 수익을 얻으며 서비스하는 방법까지 알려 드리겠습니다!

  • 정말 쉽게 배울 수 있습니다!

파이썬(Python)의 정말 기초 지식만 알고 계셔도 쉽게 따라올 수 있도록 차근차근 설명해드립니다.

또한 Streamlit을 사용하기 때문에 프론트엔드 개발 경험이 없어도 쉽게 서비스를 구축하고 실전 배포까지 가능합니다!

AI 시대에 필수 지식이 되어가는 LangChain(랭체인), 저와 함께 배워보시죠!



Dive into the transformative world of AI in web development! With this course, not only will you grasp the essence of the Hugging Face's Transformers.js library within the JavaScript ecosystem, but you'll also master the art of embedding 17 distinct AI tasks straight into your web projects.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Delve deep into the significance and capabilities of Hugging Face's Transformers.js in the realm of JavaScript.

  2. Equip yourself with the prowess to execute 17 unique AI tasks, spanning across Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Audio, all using Vanilla JavaScript.

  3. Integrate state-of-the-art AI models seamlessly into both frontend for instantaneous responses and backend where intricate server-side logic is a must.

  4. Harness the core functionalities of the Transformers.js library and understand their invaluable role in the vast web development landscape.


  1. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

  2. Familiarity with JavaScript.

  3. Some understanding of front-end development.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Web Developers: Elevate your web projects by intertwining them with AI capabilities. This is especially crafted for JavaScript enthusiasts aiming to blend conventional web design with modern AI features.

  • AI Admirers: Been fascinated by AI? Now's your chance to infuse it into web platforms. This course is your bridge, making AI not just fascinating, but also applicable using JavaScript.

  • Frontend Architects: Those at the helm of designing web applications will cherish the insights into integrating AI seamlessly, ensuring users are treated to an immersive experience.

  • Backend Developers: While the core is frontend-oriented, backend scenarios aren't left behind. Grasp how JavaScript can be used to enhance server-side functionalities with AI.

Course Breakdown:

  • Section 1: Getting Started

    1. Exploring Hugging Face Transformers.js (Covering NLP, Computer Vision, Audio).

    2. The Blueprint: A Glimpse into the User Interface.

  • Section 2: Transformers.js Fundamentals - Natural Language Processing

    • From sentiment analysis to intricate translations, explore how text and language can be understood and manipulated.

  • Section 3: Transformers.js Fundamentals – Computer Vision

    • Dive into image classifications, object detections, and more to understand how AI perceives visuals.

  • Section 4: Transformers.js Fundamentals – Audio

    • Delve into speech recognition and audio classifications, understanding how AI listens and processes sounds.

Join us as we tread this enlightening path, understanding not just the theory, but the practicality of integrating AI with web development through JavaScript. Whether you're a novice or an expert, by the end of this journey, you'll be equipped with an arsenal of skills, ready to revolutionize your web projects!



Dive into the transformative world of AI in web development! With this course, not only will you grasp the essence of the Hugging Face's Transformers.js library within the JavaScript ecosystem, but you'll also master the art of embedding 17 distinct AI tasks straight into your web projects.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Delve deep into the significance and capabilities of Hugging Face's Transformers.js in the realm of JavaScript.

  2. Equip yourself with the prowess to execute 17 unique AI tasks, spanning across Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Audio, all using Vanilla JavaScript.

  3. Integrate state-of-the-art AI models seamlessly into both frontend for instantaneous responses and backend where intricate server-side logic is a must.

  4. Harness the core functionalities of the Transformers.js library and understand their invaluable role in the vast web development landscape.


  1. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

  2. Familiarity with JavaScript.

  3. Some understanding of front-end development.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Web Developers: Elevate your web projects by intertwining them with AI capabilities. This is especially crafted for JavaScript enthusiasts aiming to blend conventional web design with modern AI features.

  • AI Admirers: Been fascinated by AI? Now's your chance to infuse it into web platforms. This course is your bridge, making AI not just fascinating, but also applicable using JavaScript.

  • Frontend Architects: Those at the helm of designing web applications will cherish the insights into integrating AI seamlessly, ensuring users are treated to an immersive experience.

  • Backend Developers: While the core is frontend-oriented, backend scenarios aren't left behind. Grasp how JavaScript can be used to enhance server-side functionalities with AI.

Course Breakdown:

  • Section 1: Getting Started

    1. Exploring Hugging Face Transformers.js (Covering NLP, Computer Vision, Audio).

    2. The Blueprint: A Glimpse into the User Interface.

  • Section 2: Transformers.js Fundamentals - Natural Language Processing

    • From sentiment analysis to intricate translations, explore how text and language can be understood and manipulated.

  • Section 3: Transformers.js Fundamentals – Computer Vision

    • Dive into image classifications, object detections, and more to understand how AI perceives visuals.

  • Section 4: Transformers.js Fundamentals – Audio

    • Delve into speech recognition and audio classifications, understanding how AI listens and processes sounds.

Join us as we tread this enlightening path, understanding not just the theory, but the practicality of integrating AI with web development through JavaScript. Whether you're a novice or an expert, by the end of this journey, you'll be equipped with an arsenal of skills, ready to revolutionize your web projects!


In this course “Create your Own Automatic Speech Recognition Using PHP, MySQL JS WITH Whisper AI”, you will learn how to develop or create your own web app that allow you to covert video / audio file into plain text. we use openai AI model that allow us to build our very ASR tool using php that takes video or audio file and get transcript of that file and also you can use that to translate into many other languages as well.

By taking this course you will gain the skills by building your own AI-Powered app that get the video, audio file content that spoken on the file. With PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript.

You can highlight the project you create in this course, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which will help you to learn to build and Create Automatic Speech Recognition  With PHP, MySQL, using OpenAI's Whisper AI API.


By taking this course you will get my full support. I've always loved to help my students (could be you). I’ve answered all that question that students have asked so far. I’m always in a ninja mood, if there’s a question it’ll be answered within a moment. By all this means if you have any errors. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.

This Course Covers The Following Features:

  • Build Audio/Video Transcription App

  • Translate Video Audio Content Text into different Languages

  • Video / Audio Generated Gallery

  • Video / Audio Upload

  • Get Content of Video / Audio Files Into Plain text


look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.


In this course “Create your Own Automatic Speech Recognition Using PHP, MySQL JS WITH Whisper AI”, you will learn how to develop or create your own web app that allow you to covert video / audio file into plain text. we use openai AI model that allow us to build our very ASR tool using php that takes video or audio file and get transcript of that file and also you can use that to translate into many other languages as well.

By taking this course you will gain the skills by building your own AI-Powered app that get the video, audio file content that spoken on the file. With PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript.

You can highlight the project you create in this course, If anyone who sees this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which will help you to learn to build and Create Automatic Speech Recognition  With PHP, MySQL, using OpenAI's Whisper AI API.


By taking this course you will get my full support. I've always loved to help my students (could be you). I’ve answered all that question that students have asked so far. I’m always in a ninja mood, if there’s a question it’ll be answered within a moment. By all this means if you have any errors. I'll be happy to check codes, errors.

This Course Covers The Following Features:

  • Build Audio/Video Transcription App

  • Translate Video Audio Content Text into different Languages

  • Video / Audio Generated Gallery

  • Video / Audio Upload

  • Get Content of Video / Audio Files Into Plain text


look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.


Welcome to an exciting and effective course that will empower you to create intelligent and cutting-edge PHP applications powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, integrating AI capabilities into your web projects is not just advantageous but often essential, and this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to do just that.

Throughout this course, you'll embark on a journey that will take you from a beginner to a proficient developer in AI-powered PHP applications. You'll gain invaluable insights into implementing ChatGPT powered applications using both plain PHP and the Laravel framework.

This course begins with a Quickstart section that will allow learners to grasp the main principles of building OpenAI/ChatGPT powered PHP applications in just 20 minutes.

One of the key aspects you'll delve into is prompt engineering using PHP, a fundamental skill in crafting effective interactions with AI models. You'll learn how to frame questions and prompts to extract the best results from ChatGPT, making your applications highly responsive and user-friendly.

What sets this course apart is the hands-on experience you'll acquire by building real-world projects:

Practice Exam Generator App, enabling educators to effortlessly generate tailored quizzes on any topics.

Natural language into SQL queries convertor App - Build a application that understands your database structure and converts any human language into SQL queries based on your database.

News Sentiment Analysis project - An exciting highlight of the course is the News Sentiment Analysis project. You'll develop an application capable of analyzing the latest news sentiment for any given company, providing valuable insights for investors, analysts, and decision-makers.

Article Co-Pilot - Build a co-pilot for content creators that generates SEO keywords, headlines, and article summaries automatically, streamlining content creation and optimization processes for web applications.

By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped to harness the power of OpenAI/ChatGPT in PHP, opening up endless possibilities for creating intelligent, data-driven, and user-centric applications. Join us on this learning journey and unleash the potential of AI in your PHP projects. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a proficient AI-powered PHP developer!


Welcome to an exciting and effective course that will empower you to create intelligent and cutting-edge PHP applications powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, integrating AI capabilities into your web projects is not just advantageous but often essential, and this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to do just that.

Throughout this course, you'll embark on a journey that will take you from a beginner to a proficient developer in AI-powered PHP applications. You'll gain invaluable insights into implementing ChatGPT powered applications using both plain PHP and the Laravel framework.

This course begins with a Quickstart section that will allow learners to grasp the main principles of building OpenAI/ChatGPT powered PHP applications in just 20 minutes.

One of the key aspects you'll delve into is prompt engineering using PHP, a fundamental skill in crafting effective interactions with AI models. You'll learn how to frame questions and prompts to extract the best results from ChatGPT, making your applications highly responsive and user-friendly.

What sets this course apart is the hands-on experience you'll acquire by building real-world projects:

Practice Exam Generator App, enabling educators to effortlessly generate tailored quizzes on any topics.

Natural language into SQL queries convertor App - Build a application that understands your database structure and converts any human language into SQL queries based on your database.

News Sentiment Analysis project - An exciting highlight of the course is the News Sentiment Analysis project. You'll develop an application capable of analyzing the latest news sentiment for any given company, providing valuable insights for investors, analysts, and decision-makers.

Article Co-Pilot - Build a co-pilot for content creators that generates SEO keywords, headlines, and article summaries automatically, streamlining content creation and optimization processes for web applications.

By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped to harness the power of OpenAI/ChatGPT in PHP, opening up endless possibilities for creating intelligent, data-driven, and user-centric applications. Join us on this learning journey and unleash the potential of AI in your PHP projects. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a proficient AI-powered PHP developer!